EXLITE® Robertshaw blades are specially designed for infants and children is gently curved over the distal third and is designed to lift the epiglottis indirectlyin the manner of the Macintosh blade.The blade section permits binocular vision thus allowing better judgment of depth and consequently less risk of trauma
Replaceable light guide.
4.00 diameter fiber optic bundle.
5500 plus fiber strands.
High quality fiber ensuring brilliant light transmission.
4200 lux with 2.5V Xenon/Halogen bulb.
12500 lux with3.5V Xenon/Halogen bulb.
No sharp edges. Straight blades.
Free maintenance.
Autoclavable up to 134OC approximately 4000 times.
No adverse effect in using ETO, steam autoclaving.
In accordance with ISO 7376/3.
5 Year Warranty
4000 time autoclavable
Easy to use